Sunday, January 24, 2010


The average American woman is 5' 4. For this height, a healthy weight is generally anywhere from 115 to 150 pounds (the range is so broad because it depends on whether one has a small or large frame, and is different for each individual.)

A healthy weight lowers your risk for health problems. Common sense, right?

While many associate these problems with being overweight, being too thin poses many problems as well. Weighing too little can increase your risk of osteoporosis and compromise your immune system.

How often does the media convey the image of an appropriate weight and its importance in leading a long, healthy life?

...Not so often.

"We know seeing super-thin models can play a role in causing anorexia," says Nada Stotland, professor of psychiatry at Rush Medical College in Chicago and vice president of the American Psychiatric Association. Because many models and actresses are so thin, it makes anorexics think their emaciated bodies are normal, she says.
"But these people look scary. They don't look normal."
(USA Today)

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